Modern dredge post ban
Modern dredge post ban

Oath of the Gatewatch was the last set in which regeneration was printed, after which it was finally retired from premier sets, as was the phrase "can't be regenerated". "The word 'regenerate' has been tossed onto cards for years as if it was one of the most simple concepts in the game, along the lines of ' attack' and ' graveyard.' The truth is that the mechanic is so complicated and wonky that we would never greenlight it today, but it has been grandfathered into the fabric of the game, and it does fill a nice niche." Another strike against regenerate was the fact that "can't be regenerated" was such a ubiquitous rider at the time (152 cards that prevented regeneration against 230 cards that used regeneration) that it was often invalidated. As such, regeneration had drifted in flavor instead of regenerating when a creature was about to die, you set a regenerative shield that would save the creature if it would die that turn. Damage prevention, regeneration, and other spells and abilities that generated replacement effects were now played just like other instants. In the Sixth Edition rules changes, the damage prevention step became obsolete, and damage was no longer "assigned" before being dealt - it was simply dealt. It could not be activated nor triggered any other time.

modern dredge post ban

Originally, regeneration was an ability that only could be activated in the damage prevention step, which was a step right after damage was dealt, to save a creature that would otherwise go to the graveyard. Regeneration has historically been a confusing effect. Regeneration was designed by Richard Garfield for Alpha. The primary color of regenerate was green, then secondary in black, and tertiary in white. Regenerate appears mostly on black cards or green cards, though it appeared on white cards early in Magic's history and again in Planar Chaos.

modern dredge post ban

  • 5 Enchantments that grant just regeneration.

  • Modern dredge post ban